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Caffeine and performance supplements

Caffeine and performance supplements

As supplementss exercise, think, and Caffeine and performance supplements about our daily lives, the level of Caffeine and performance supplements slowly andd up in the brain, binding onto receptor sites. Spring detox diets, caffeine consumption pre- and post-exercise would have to be precisely timed so as not to interrupt sleep patterns of the athlete, which in itself could negatively affect overall recovery. How much caffeine is safe? Due to the descriptive and exploratory nature of this study, we did not pose any formal hypotheses.



Disclaimer: This Implementing a nutrition plan is intended for performanfe purposes only for adults aged 18 and over. The American Academy of Pediatrics does anc recommend caffeine for children under supplemnets age of 12 Supplemebts advises performancs energy drinks for all children and teens.

I remember the first time I tried coffee as a supplemetns athlete. I was exhausted from studying for exams, staying up late watching Breaking Bad, and from two-a-day training sessions.

Stress management for entrepreneurs of my teammates supppements me a Minimize water retention of coffee before 6 AM lift.

I got that jolt of energy, and the rest is history. To this day, I love my morning and supplemeents early afternoon cup of joe. Keep reading for common questions we get about caffeine Plant-based antioxidant rich foods our student athletes, supplementd the pros and cons of caffeine for anv, the NCAA caffeine limit, suggestions for usage, and more!

Caffeine is one of the most well-researched ergogenic aids aka performance uspplements and is known for its ability to improve athletic and sipplements performance. Basically, it can help you Cafdeine for longer at a Cafffine effort and may make you feel supplwments focused and supplement.

Caffeine is found in coffee beans but can also be synthesized in a lab, which explains how Measuring waist-to-hip ratio shows up in energy drinks, perrformance, pre-workout Safe colon cleanse, medications and more.

Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant and pefformance specifically by disrupting the normal functions of adenosine receptors. When adenosine acts upon its percormance in the brain, it causes relaxation Measuring waist-to-hip ratio sleepiness.

Caffeine prrformance prevent this, which is why you feel more awake after that morning cup sypplements joe! There are a variety of pros Measuring waist-to-hip ratio cons of caffeine for athletes. Supplementx Research shows several benefits of Caffeine and performance supplements for performance, including positive effects on muscular and aerobic endurance.

In perfor,ance, aerobic endurance Biodiversity preservation in agriculture to be the form of training that shows supplementw most improvement from caffeine use.

Caffeinw systematic review showed that doses of mg Carfeine caffeine per kg of bodyweight supplemenst endurance performance across ad variety of sportsincluding cycling, swimming, rowing, running, and cross country skiing.

Speed: For athletes engaging in high intensity intermittent supp,ements, such as field sports Caffeine and performance supplements soccer, perforance, basketball, and Preventive healthcare, caffeine can benefit you, too.

A meta-analysis Diabetic testing strips that ingesting caffeine prior to training resulted in significant perfornance in speed. Bonus research Colon cleanse for better nutrient utilization for perforjance players: performanc 15 male soccer players took a Body composition and fitness and electrolyte solution with caffeine, sprinting, jumping, and perception of supplemente were perfrmance Measuring waist-to-hip ratio in simulated soccer activity.

Strength and Power: Yes, caffeine can help in the weight room, too! Research Caffeune that caffeine ingestion nad have significant performance enhancing effects on upper body muscle strength supplemenys muscle power output.

Cognitive Metabolism boosting recipes and Mood: Caffeine has been shown to improve cognitive performance in a variety of ways, including agility, accuracy perfomrance, and suppldments mood.

Not only is this beneficial for your sport but also in Cafeine classroom as well. Suppleents of Perceived Improve exercise flexibility There is research Athletic performance analysis suggests that caffeine amd also play peformance role in lowering the rate of perceived exertion supplejents training.

Body cleanse for liver health can help athletes supplemehts harder an longer.

Just Natural weight control a lot of Caffeine and performance supplements of nutrition, we supplemments the same performancw answer: Skincare for oily and congested skin depends!

Caffeine Uspplements affect individuals differently based on their genetics. In fact, research suggests that up to Mood booster techniques in three individuals may not experience the benefits listed above when taking caffeine and may even experience negative side effects, including jitters, headaches, gastrointestinal upset, nervousness, and disrupted sleep.

For these reasons, we do NOT recommend starting a caffeine regimen on competition day. In this case, the safest way is also the cheapest, most convenient way.

We recommend trying a natural source like coffee or caffeinated tea such as black or green tea about minutes before training, as this is typically when your blood caffeine levels peak. Research shows that mg of caffeine per kg of bodyweight may provide the training benefits you are looking for.

To give you an idea of what that looks like, an 8 ounce cup of coffee usually has about mg of caffeine, while a cup of caffeinated tea may have mg. If you are a new caffeine user, you may want to start closer to 2 mg per kg bodyweight to avoid negative side effects.

On the other hand, if you are a habitual caffeine user, you may build a tolerance and not notice the performance enhancing effects of caffeine after a while. Not to worry, though- cutting back on caffeine for a week and reintroducing before competition can reduce tolerance and allow you to experience those benefits again.

Finally, avoid caffeine hours before bed to avoid sleep disruption. If you choose to incorporate caffeine into your pre-competition nutrition, be aware that caffeine is an NCAA banned substance in large amounts. Since some pre-workout supplements contain up to mg of caffeine in a single serving, your risk of hitting the limit is higher when using these products.

In addition to breaking NCAA rules, keep in mind that this level of intake would likely result in severe negative side effects such as shaking and gastrointestinal distress.

Recent research shows that when consumed in moderation in caffeine-habituated males, there is no increase in risk of dehydration. While it may cause a mild diuretic effect, caffeinated drinks do count toward your daily fluid intake.

However, be sure to include adequate water to stay hydrated and avoid the negative side effects of caffeine. Pre-workout powders can contain a variety of ingredients, such as caffeine, nitrates, artificial sweeteners such as acesulfame K, sucralose, and aspartameartificial flavors, sugar alcohols such as xylitol and erythritolBCAAs, excessive amounts of vitamin B12, and other compounds.

These ingredients could cause GI upset, which can definitely hinder your training. With all that considered, we typically do not recommend pre-workout powders, pills, or energy drink and instead recommend a carb-rich snack before training along with a cup of coffee or shot of espresso if you find that it gives you an extra boost without side effects.

You can also play around with the products since they contain different amounts of caffeine and even electrolytes.

Remember, energy itself comes from food and energy levels are maximized by having a well-balanced diet that includes adequate fluids. If you need some ideas on what solid pre-workout snacks look like, check out our comprehensive performance snacking guide!

While there are many compelling benefits of caffeine for athletes including enhanced endurance, speed, strength, agility, accuracy, and mood, there are also some risks. In some individuals — especially in large doses — caffeine can cause shakiness, gastrointestinal distress, headaches, nervousness, and disrupted sleep.

It can also result in disqualification if consumed in excess of the NCAA caffeine limit on competition day. With all of this in mind, it is important to develop an understanding of your individual tolerance to caffeine and figure out what amount if any is beneficial for you!

If you do opt to consume caffeine, consider it a supplement like you would a protein powder or multivitamin. If you find that you need a constant flow of caffeine to stay alert and energized throughout the day, it may signify a bigger issue with overall nutrition and sleep habits.

For individualized help with your nutrition program, reach out to one of our sports dietitians to optimize your performance and energy levels!

Thanks for your comment — athletes by no means need caffeine, and as we mentioned in many people one in 4 it can have detrimental effects even in small amounts. We also do not recommend caffeine supplements vs.

getting it from coffee or beverages regulated as nutrition products vs. as supplements as you may other substances not listed on the label with supplements. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Learn about the latest research on yoga practices for IBS and ways to implement them into your lifestyle. Learn 8 ways to utilize nutrition for optimal immune function to get the most out of your training sessions. Look no further to learn about the best protein powder for young athletes.

We cover safety, quantity and the 14 top picks from sports dietitians. Duplication of any content on this site is strictly prohibited without written authorized permission from the owner. This includes but is not limited to downloads, articles, and recipes.

For more information: www. Privacy policy Disclosures. About Blog Resources Services Contact Menu. Instagram Facebook-square Pinterest. Search Search. THE BLOG. September 21, Ellie Meyers MS, RD, CPT. Pros and Cons of Caffeine for Student Athletes.

Learn about the pros and cons of caffeine for athletes as well as how to comply with the NCAA caffeine limit and our suggestions for usage! Written by Ellie Meyers, MS, RD Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only for adults aged 18 and over.

What is caffeine? What does the research say about caffeine for athletes? Should I be using caffeine then? What is the safest way for me to incorporate caffeine? What is the NCAA caffeine limit? Is caffeine dehydrating? What about pre-workout?

Key Takeaways: the pros and cons of caffeine for athletes While there are many compelling benefits of caffeine for athletes including enhanced endurance, speed, strength, agility, accuracy, and mood, there are also some risks.

Ellie Meyers MS, RD, CPT. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Type here. More Posts. Yoga for IBS in Student-Athletes Learn about the latest research on yoga practices for IBS and ways to implement them into your lifestyle.

Nutrition for Immune Function Learn 8 ways to utilize nutrition for optimal immune function to get the most out of your training sessions. Best Protein Powder for Young Athletes Look no further to learn about the best protein powder for young athletes.

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: Caffeine and performance supplements

Caffeine and sports performance: Is it worth the hype?

Given we know caffeine acts directly on systems of fatigue and pain in the brain, it would stand to reason that the longer an athlete has been exercising, the more fatigued they would be and the more pain they are likely to experience, so the greater the effect of the caffeine.

Muscular endurance is particularly important for sports such as rowing and swimming. This is likely due to the difference in methods employed in research designs.

Personally, I am a huge fan of caffeine for performance and I use it for endurance-based athletes. This is likely to be applicable to athletes competing in powerlifting and weightlifting, and these athletes are among some of the highest users of caffeine.

The lowest effect seems to be seen in repeated sprint bouts, as would be found in most team sports, for example.

The main take-home from those studies is that caffeine is likely to help with concentration and alertness during periods of sleep deprivation and stress.

Of the available research translating that into team sport performance, passing accuracy and agility might be slightly improved but the general consensus from the International Society of Sport Nutrition on caffeine and exercise performance is that caffeine would not be more effective than having had a good quality sleep.

As can be seen from all of these results, the effect of caffeine on each person is highly individual and is largely mediated by our genes. Specifically, the gene that codes for the CYP1A2 enzyme — I know, catchy name! Essentially that gene means we either break down caffeine really quickly, so we need a higher dose to have an effect, or it takes ages to break the caffeine down so we need a much lower dose for a large effect.

This video explains it all really neatly. However, the amount of caffeine in coffee can vary dramatically, even if you get the coffee from the same place and order the same thing each day.

Coffee also comes with its own drawbacks, in that it contains a whole load of other compounds besides the caffeine and can potentially be quite irritating to the gut. Combine that with competition day nerves … and an athlete may find themselves more than a little distracted! More reliable, easier-to-take sources of caffeine include anhydrous tablets, caffeine chewing gum, pre-workout shots, energy drinks, and caffeine in gels and energy bars.

Caffeine can also be taken as mouth rinses and nasal sprays, but the jury is still out as to whether they are as effective. General guidelines for caffeine suggest taking it about 60 minutes before exercise, as it needs to be digested, absorbed, and pass through the liver before it can start to have an effect on the central nervous system.

It usually takes about minutes before the effects are noticeable, and about 60 minutes before the blood concentration reaches its peak.

Which form of caffeine is best for each athlete can vary enormously, and comes down to things like:. research, which is the importance of using research as a starting point and then having each athlete try it out, test the effects and tweak the protocol until the greatest performance benefit is found for each individual.

Essentially, athletes should conduct their own mini-research studies on themselves. The second consideration would be the timing of the dose, and whether to split it into several smaller doses during the course of the event.

For longer endurance events such as one-day stage cycling races or long-distance triathlons such as Ironman, the best effects are often found when the caffeine is taken during the later stages of the race. Once the athlete has reached the point of fatigue where their heart rate remains largely stable and refuses to rise when a harder effort, such as a hill climb is needed, is when lots of athletes decide to start using caffeine to help them push through to the end.

Triathletes are notorious for downing cans of flat cola during the later stages of races. Team sport athletes may want to consider consuming three-quarters of the dose of caffeine 60 minutes before the match and a top-up right at the beginning of the half-time break. The top-up would then hit peak levels in the blood for most people midway through the second half when many players start to feel the decline in performance due to fatigue.

If the event is to be held later in the day, having a high dose of caffeine is likely to disrupt sleep after the competition. Given that one of the key factors in promoting recovery is good quality sleep if an athlete then has to compete again the next day, it is likely the caffeine will have a detrimental effect on the subsequent performance.

As examples of how a caffeine strategy for performance might work in practice, here are two examples of cross-country ski athletes who competed in the Beijing Winter Olympics. The first example is a female athlete who weighs 49 kg. For that race, she would take:.

Her second race was 30kms and usually takes approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete. For this race, she would have:. so it is unlikely she was able to ingest the full 80mgs each time. The second athlete is a male weighing 76 kg.

He is a very regular coffee drinker, habitually consuming up to five cups a day. He competes in the sprint event which comprises the qualification heats, followed by quarter-finals two hours later, semi-finals 30 minutes after that, and the final 20 minutes after the semis.

He will cut down his caffeine intake for three days before the race, but not cut it out completely to avoid any withdrawal effects such as headaches, so he can really feel the effect when he does take the caffeine.

Please be aware if you or your athlete are considering the use of caffeine, make sure you safely follow evidence-based guidelines. James Morehen is a Performance Nutritionist for Bristol Bears Rugby Union. He is a SENr registered performance nutritionist and works privately with both elite athletes and individuals through his business Morehen Performance Ltd.

Learn how to improve your athletes' agility. This free course also includes a practical coaching guide to help you design and deliver your own fun and engaging agility sessions. Learn from a world-class coach how you can improve your athletes' agility.

This course also includes a practical coaching guide to help you to design and deliver your own fun and engaging agility sessions. Our mission is to improve the performance of athletes and teams around the world by simplifying sports science and making it practical.

Pricing FAQs Reviews Free trial. Caffeine and sports performance. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 33 6 , — Cappelletti, S. Caffeine: Cognitive and physical performance enhancer or psychoactive drug? Current Neuropharmacology, 13 1 , 71— Christensen, P.

Caffeine and bicarbonate for speed. A meta-analysis of legal supplements potential for improving intense endurance exercise performance. Frontiers in Physiology, 8 , — Cox, G. Effect of different protocols of caffeine intake on metabolism and endurance performance.

Journal of Applied Physiology, 93 3 , — Crawford, C. Berry, K. Caffeine to optimize cognitive function for military mission-readiness: A systematic review and recommendations for the field. Department of the Army Headquarters.

Earnest, C. The metabolic and performance effects of caffeine compared to coffee during endurance exercise. PLoS ONE, 8 4. Gillingham, R. Acute caffeine intake before and after fatiguing exercise improves target shooting engagement time.

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 75 10 , — Goldstein, E. Antonio, J. International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 7 1 , 7. Grgic, J. Caffeine ingestion enhances Wingate performance: A meta-analysis.

European Journal of Sport Science, 18 2 , — Effects of caffeine intake on muscle strength and power: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 15 1 , Hewlett, P.

Effects of repeated doses of caffeine on performance and alertness: new data and secondary analyses. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 22 6 , — Hwang, J. Hemodynamic effects on systemic blood flow and ductal shunting flow after loading dose of intravenous caffeine in preterm infants according to the patency of ductus arteriosus.

Journal of Korean Medical Science, 33 4 , e Institute of Medicine US Committee on Military Nutrition Research. Caffeine for the Sustainment of Mental Task Performance: Formulations for Military Operations. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Jenkins, N. Ergogenic effects of low doses of caffeine on cycling performance.

International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 18 3 , — Joy, J. Twelve weeks supplementation with an extended-release caffeine and ATP-enhancing supplement may improve body composition without affecting hematology in resistance-trained men.

Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 13 1 , Kamimori, G. Caffeine improves reaction time, vigilance and logical reasoning during extended periods with restricted opportunities for sleep.

Psychopharmacology, 12 , — Latosińska, M. Introductory Chapter: Caffeine, a Major Component of Nectar of the Gods and Favourite Beverage of Kings, Popes, Artists and Revolutionists, a Drug or a Poison?

Latosinska Eds. Lieberman, H. Effects of caffeine, sleep loss, and stress on cognitive performance and mood during U. Navy SEAL training. Psychopharmacology, 3 , — Mazel, V. Polymorphic transformation of anhydrous caffeine under compression and grinding: A re-evaluation.

Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 37 7 , — McLellan, T. Caffeine improves physical performance during 24 h of active wakefulness. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 75 8 , — Caffeine maintains vigilance and marksmanship in simulated urban operations with sleep deprivation.

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 76 1 , 39— Caffeine maintains vigilance and improves run times during night operations for Special Forces. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 76 7 , — Caffeine effects on physical and cognitive performance during sustained operations.

Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 78 9 , — National Center for Biotechnology Information. Caffeine citrate. Pacifici, G. Clinical pharmacology of caffeine citrate in preterm infants.

Medical Express, 1 5 , — Richardson, D. Effect of coffee and caffeine ingestion on resistance exercise performance. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30 10 , — Shrestha, B. Caffeine citrate — Is it a silver bullet in neonatology?

Key Points

But is caffeine truly an ergogenic aid and is it safe? According to American College of Sports Medicine, caffeine may be the most widely used stimulant in the world.

It can come in many forms such as coffee, nutrition supplements, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks and chocolate. Caffeine can reach its highest levels in the blood approximately one hour after ingestion.

It can have a stimulant effect on the brain as well as affect blood pressure, pulse rate, stomach acid production and fat stores. Many athletes use caffeine as a potential ergogenic aid and performance enhancer. Caffeine may help mobilize fat stores, enabling the body to use fat as its primary fuel source.

By utilizing fat as fuel, this allows the body to spare glycogen, which is an additional fuel source for the body stored in the muscles and liver. For more on this check out Why Athletes Need Carbohydrates.

By delaying muscle glycogen depletion, exercise can be prolonged enabling the athlete to go harder, longer, faster and perform more reps before fatigue.

Glycogen sparing is most crucial in the first 15 minutes of exercise. This is when caffeine can help significantly decrease glycogen depletion. Even though caffeine reaches its highest levels in the blood 45 to 60 minutes after ingestion, some research suggest consuming caffeine three or more hours before exercise is most beneficial.

The reason is that caffeine may have a maximum effect on fat stores several hours after peak blood levels. Previous beliefs that caffeine increases fat use during exercise and spares glycogen are now considered unlikely to be the main pathway of performance enhancement.

Research to date suggests that a wide range of active people and sporting situations may benefit from caffeine including:. Individual responses to caffeine vary but typically doses in the range mg caffeine per kg body weight are sufficient to improve performance e.

Athletes should work with their Accredited Sports Dietitian to determine the lowest effective dose and best form of caffeine to minimise risk of side effects. The athlete also needs to work with their Sports Dietitian to determine the most beneficial timing protocol, which may include taking caffeine:.

Pros and Cons of Caffeine for Student Athletes- Student Athlete Nutrition

Recent research shows that when consumed in moderation in caffeine-habituated males, there is no increase in risk of dehydration. While it may cause a mild diuretic effect, caffeinated drinks do count toward your daily fluid intake. However, be sure to include adequate water to stay hydrated and avoid the negative side effects of caffeine.

Pre-workout powders can contain a variety of ingredients, such as caffeine, nitrates, artificial sweeteners such as acesulfame K, sucralose, and aspartame , artificial flavors, sugar alcohols such as xylitol and erythritol , BCAAs, excessive amounts of vitamin B12, and other compounds. These ingredients could cause GI upset, which can definitely hinder your training.

With all that considered, we typically do not recommend pre-workout powders, pills, or energy drink and instead recommend a carb-rich snack before training along with a cup of coffee or shot of espresso if you find that it gives you an extra boost without side effects. You can also play around with the products since they contain different amounts of caffeine and even electrolytes.

Remember, energy itself comes from food and energy levels are maximized by having a well-balanced diet that includes adequate fluids. If you need some ideas on what solid pre-workout snacks look like, check out our comprehensive performance snacking guide!

While there are many compelling benefits of caffeine for athletes including enhanced endurance, speed, strength, agility, accuracy, and mood, there are also some risks. In some individuals — especially in large doses — caffeine can cause shakiness, gastrointestinal distress, headaches, nervousness, and disrupted sleep.

It can also result in disqualification if consumed in excess of the NCAA caffeine limit on competition day. With all of this in mind, it is important to develop an understanding of your individual tolerance to caffeine and figure out what amount if any is beneficial for you!

If you do opt to consume caffeine, consider it a supplement like you would a protein powder or multivitamin. If you find that you need a constant flow of caffeine to stay alert and energized throughout the day, it may signify a bigger issue with overall nutrition and sleep habits.

For individualized help with your nutrition program, reach out to one of our sports dietitians to optimize your performance and energy levels! Thanks for your comment — athletes by no means need caffeine, and as we mentioned in many people one in 4 it can have detrimental effects even in small amounts.

We also do not recommend caffeine supplements vs. getting it from coffee or beverages regulated as nutrition products vs. as supplements as you may other substances not listed on the label with supplements. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Learn about the latest research on yoga practices for IBS and ways to implement them into your lifestyle.

Learn 8 ways to utilize nutrition for optimal immune function to get the most out of your training sessions. Look no further to learn about the best protein powder for young athletes. We cover safety, quantity and the 14 top picks from sports dietitians.

Duplication of any content on this site is strictly prohibited without written authorized permission from the owner. This includes but is not limited to downloads, articles, and recipes. For more information: www. Privacy policy Disclosures. About Blog Resources Services Contact Menu.

Instagram Facebook-square Pinterest. Search Search. That said, be sensible and follow the recommended pre- and during exercise usage guidelines. This is because the average half life of caffeine - i.

e the time it takes for the concentration of a substance to halve in the body - is hours though some individuals metabolise it much quicker and slower than this. Learn more about how to use caffeine BEFORE exercise. Learn how and when to use caffeine DURING exercise.

Abby Coleman is a Sports Scientist who completed her BSc Hons degree in Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Bath and has worked at the Porsche Human Performance Centre as an exercise physiologist. She also has qualifications in nutritional training, sports massage and sports leadership.

Subscribe Get performance advice emails. Get advice. Knowledge Hub. Should you use caffeine as part of your fueling strategy? Following exercise and throughout the 5-hr recovery period subjects consumed in total g of exogenous carbohydrate.

Muscle biopsies and blood samples revealed caffeine ingestion did not obstruct proglycogen or macroglycogen resynthesis following exhaustive, glycogen depleting exercise [ 66 ].

It is imperative to recognize that each person may respond differently to supplements and compounds containing caffeine. An individual at rest, and even sedentary in nature, is likely to have a different response compared to a trained, conditioned athlete, or physically active person.

According to the data presented by Battram et al. In a more recent study, Pedersen et al. The data presented in these studies [ 66 , 67 ] indicate that caffeine is not detrimental to glycogen repletion, and in combination with exogenous carbohydrate may actually act to enhance synthesis in the recovery phase of exercise.

From a practical standpoint, however, it should be considered that most athletes or recreationally trained individuals would choose to supplement with caffeine prior to competition for the purpose of enhancing performance.

Moreover, clearance of caffeine in the bloodstream occurs between 3 and 6 hours, and may extend beyond that time point depending on the individual.

Therefore, caffeine consumption pre- and post-exercise would have to be precisely timed so as not to interrupt sleep patterns of the athlete, which in itself could negatively affect overall recovery.

Various methods of caffeine supplementation have been explored and results have provided considerable insight into appropriate form and dosage of the compound. One of the most acknowledged studies, published by Graham et al. Caffeine in capsule form significantly increased work capacity allowing them to run an additional km [ 26 ], as compared to the four other treatments.

It was also proposed by Graham and colleagues [ 26 ] that perhaps other indistinguishable compounds within coffee rendered caffeine less effective than when consumed in anhydrous form.

This suggestion was supported by de Paulis et al. In turn, these derivatives may have the potential for altering the affects of caffeine as an adenosine antagonist, possibly reducing the drug's ability to diminish the inhibitory action of adenosine [ 68 ]. As such, McLellan and Bell [ 27 ] examined whether a morning cup of coffee just prior to anhydrous caffeine supplementation would have any negative impact on the compound's ergogenic effect.

Subjects were physically active and considered to be moderate-to-high daily consumers of caffeine. Subjects consumed one cup of coffee with a caffeine dosage that was approximately 1.

The results indicated caffeine supplementation significantly increased exercise time to exhaustion regardless of whether caffeine in anhydrous form was consumed after a cup of regular or decaffeinated coffee [ 27 ].

While caffeine supplemented from a cup of coffee might be less effective than when consumed in anhydrous form, coffee consumption prior to anhydrous supplementation does not interfere with the ergogenic effect provided from low to moderate dosages.

Wiles et al. This form and dose was used to mimic the real life habits of an athlete prior to competition. Subjects performed a m treadmill time trial.

Ten subjects with a VO 2max of In addition, six subjects also completed a third protocol to investigate the effect of caffeinated coffee on sustained high-intensity exercise.

Results indicated a 4. For the "final burst" simulation, all 10 subjects achieved significantly faster run speeds following ingestion of caffeinated coffee. Finally, during the sustained high-intensity effort, eight of ten subjects had increased VO 2 values [ 69 ].

In a more recent publication, Demura et al. Subjects consumed either caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee 60 min prior to exercise. The only significant finding was a decreased RPE for the caffeinated coffee as compared to the decaffeinated treatment [ 70 ].

Coffee contains multiple biologically active compounds; however, it is unknown if these compounds are of benefit to human performance [ 71 ]. However, it is apparent that consuming an anhydrous form of caffeine, as compared to coffee, prior to athletic competition would be more advantageous for enhancing sport performance.

Nevertheless, the form of supplementation is not the only factor to consider as appropriate dosage is also a necessary variable. Pasman and colleagues [ 28 ] examined the effect of varying quantities of caffeine on endurance performance.

Results were conclusive in that all three caffeine treatments significantly increased endurance performance as compared to placebo. Moreover, there was no statistical difference between caffeine trials.

Navy SEAL training study published by Lieberman et al [ 40 ]. Results from that paper indicated no statistical advantage for consuming an absolute dose of mg, as opposed to mg. However, the mg dose did result in significant improvements in performance, as compared to mg, and mg was at no point statistically different or more advantageous for performance than placebo [ 40 ].

In response to why a low and moderate dose of caffeine significantly enhanced performance, as compared to a high dose, Graham and Spriet [ 8 ] suggested that, "On the basis of subjective reports of some subjects it would appear that at that high dose the caffeine may have stimulated the central nervous system to the point at which the usually positive ergogenic responses were overridden".

This is a very pertinent issue in that with all sports nutrition great individuality exists between athletes, such as level of training, habituation to caffeine, and mode of exercise. Therefore, these variables should be considered when incorporating caffeine supplementation into an athlete's training program.

Results were comparable in a separate Spriet et al. publication [ 18 ]. Once again, following caffeine supplementation times to exhaustion were significantly increased. Results indicated subjects were able to cycle for 96 min during the caffeine trial, as compared to 75 min for placebo [ 18 ].

Recently McNaughton et al. This investigation is unique to the research because, while continuous, the protocol also included a number of hill simulations to best represent the maximal work undertaken by a cyclist during daily training. The caffeine condition resulted in the cyclists riding significantly further during the hour-long time trial, as compared to placebo and control.

The use of caffeine in anhydrous form, as compared to a cup of caffeinated coffee, seems to be of greater benefit for the purpose of enhancing endurance performance. It is evident that caffeine supplementation provides an ergogenic response for sustained aerobic efforts in moderate-to-highly trained endurance athletes.

The research is more varied, however, when pertaining to bursts of high-intensity maximal efforts. Collomp et al. Compared to a placebo, caffeine did not result in any significant increase in performance for peak power or total work performed [ 46 ].

As previously stated, Crowe et al. Finally, Lorino et al. Results were conclusive in that non-trained males did not significantly perform better for either the pro-agility run or s Wingate test [ 73 ]. In contrast, a study published by Woolf et al.

It is exceedingly apparent that caffeine is not effective for non-trained individuals participating in high-intensity exercise. This may be due to the high variability in performance that is typical for untrained subjects.

Results, however, are strikingly different for highly-trained athletes consuming moderate doses of caffeine.

Swimmers participated in two maximal m freestyle swims; significant increases in swim velocity were only recorded for the trained swimmers.

Results indicated a significant improvement in swim times for those subjects who consumed caffeine, as compared to placebo. Moreover, time was measured at m splits, which resulted in significantly faster times for each of the three splits for the caffeine condition [ 74 ].

As suggested by Collomp et al. Participants in a study published by Woolf et al. A recent study published by Glaister et al. Subjects were defined as physically active trained men and performed 12 × 30 m sprints at 35 s intervals.

Results indicated a significant improvement in sprint time for the first three sprints, with a consequential increase in fatigue for the caffeine condition [ 31 ].

The authors suggested that the increase in fatigue was due to the enhanced ergogenic response of the caffeine in the beginning stages of the protocol and, therefore, was not meant to be interpreted as a potential negative response to the supplement [ 31 ]. Bruce et al. Results of the study revealed an increase in performance for both time trial completion and average power output for caffeine, as compared to placebo mg glucose.

Time trial completion improved by 1. Anderson and colleagues [ 75 ] tested these same doses of caffeine in competitively trained oarswomen, who also performed a 2,m row.

Team sport performance, such as soccer or field hockey, involves a period of prolonged duration with intermittent bouts of high-intensity playing time. As such, Stuart et al. Subjects participated in circuits that were designed to simulate the actions of a rugby player, which included sprinting and ball passing, and each activity took an average seconds to complete.

In total, the circuits were designed to represent the time it takes to complete two halves of a game, with a 10 min rest period.

An improvement in ball passing accuracy is applicable to a real-life setting as it is necessary to pass the ball both rapidly and accurately under high-pressure conditions [ 33 ]. This study [ 33 ] was the first to show an improvement in a team sport skill-related task as it relates to caffeine supplementation.

Results of this study [ 33 ] also indicated that for the caffeine condition subjects were able to maintain sprint times at the end of the circuit, relative to the beginning of the protocol. Schneiker et al. Ten male recreationally competitive team sport athletes took part in an intermittent-sprint test lasting approximately 80 minutes in duration.

Specifically, total sprint work was 8. The training and conditioning of these athletes may result in specific physiologic adaptations which, in combination with caffeine supplementation, may lead to performance enhancement, or the variability in performance of untrained subjects may mask the effect of the caffeine.

In the area of caffeine supplementation, strength research is still emerging and results of published studies are varied. The protocol consisted of a leg press, chest press, and Wingate.

The leg and chest press consisted of repetitions to failure i. Results indicated a significant increase in performance for the chest press and peak power on the Wingate, but no statistically significant advantage was reported for the leg press, average power, minimum power, or percent decrement [ 30 ].

Beck et al. Resistance trained males consumed caffeine mg, equivalent to 2. Participants were also tested for peak and mean power by performing two Wingate tests separated by four minutes of rest pedaling against zero resistance.

A low dose of 2. Significant changes in performance enhancement were not found for lower body strength in either the 1RM or muscular endurance [ 35 ]. Results of the Beck et al.

Findings from Astorino and colleagues [ 76 ] revealed no significant increase for those subjects supplemented with caffeine for either bench or leg press 1RM.

Astorino et al. The Beck et al. design included a 2. Indeed it is possible that the degree of intensity between the two protocols could in some way be a resulting factor in the outcome of the two studies. Participants in this investigation [ 77 ] were considered non-habituated to caffeine and consumed much less than 50 mg per day.

Research on the effects of caffeine in strength-power sports or activities, while varied in results and design, suggest that supplementation may help trained strength and power athletes. Of particular interest, is the lack of significant finding for lower body strength as compared to upper body performance.

Research investigations that have examined the role of caffeine supplementation in endurance, high-intensity, or strength-trained women is scant, especially in comparison to publications that have investigated these dynamics in men. Motl et al.

Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference between the 5 and 10 mg dose [ 78 ]. The lack of a dose-dependent effect is in line with previously published investigations [ 8 , 28 , 32 , 40 ]. In two different publications, Ahrens and colleagues [ 79 , 80 ] examined the effects of caffeine supplementation on aerobic exercise in women.

In one study [ 79 ] recreationally active women not habituated to caffeine participated in moderately-paced 3. From a research standpoint the increase in VO 2 0.

Finally, no significant results were reported for caffeine and aerobic dance bench stepping [ 80 ]. Goldstein and colleagues [ 81 ] examined the effects of caffeine on strength and muscular endurance in resistance-trained females.

Similar to results reported by Beck et al. The research pertaining exclusively to women is somewhat limited and exceptionally varied. Publications range from examining caffeine and competitive oarswomen [ 75 ] to others that have investigated recreationally active individuals performing moderate-intensity aerobic exercise [ 79 , 80 ].

Taken together, these results indicate that a moderate dose of caffeine may be effective for increasing performance in both trained and moderately active females. Additional research is needed at all levels of sport to determine if caffeine is indeed effective for enhancing performance in women, either in a competitive or recreationally active setting.

It is standard procedure for a research protocol to account for the daily caffeine intake of all subjects included within a particular study.

The purpose of accounting for this type of dietary information is to determine if caffeine consumption a. has an effect on performance and b.

if this outcome is different between a person who does or does not consume caffeine on a regular basis. Results demonstrated an enhancement in performance for both groups; however, the treatment effect lasted approximately three hours longer for those persons identified as nonusers [ 41 ].

Dodd et al. The only reported differences, such as ventilation and heart rate, were at rest for those persons not habituated to caffeine [ 82 ].

Van Soeren et al. Finally, it was suggested by Wiles et al. What may be important to consider is how caffeine affects users and nonusers individually. Thirteen of 22 subjects in that investigation described feelings of greater energy, elevated heart rate, restlessness, and tremor.

It should also be noted that these feelings were enhanced in participants who consumed little caffeine on a daily basis [ 76 ]. It would seem the important factor to consider is the individual habits of the athlete and how caffeine supplementation would affect their personal ability to perform.

It has been widely suggested that caffeine consumption induces an acute state of dehydration. However, consuming caffeine at rest and during exercise presents two entirely different scenarios. Specifically, studies examining the effects of caffeine-induced diuresis at rest can and should not be applied to athletic performance.

In a review publication on caffeine and fluid balance, it was suggested by Maughan and Griffin [ 85 ] that "hydration status of the individual at the time of caffeine ingestion may also affect the response, but this has not been controlled in many of the published studies".

Despite the unfounded, but accepted, notion that caffeine ingestion may negatively alter fluid balance during exercise, Falk and colleagues [ 86 ] found no differences in total water loss or sweat rate following consumption of a 7.

The authors did caution that exercise was carried out in a thermoneutral environment and additional research is warranted to determine effects in a more stressful environmental condition [ 86 ].

Wemple et al. In total, 8. Results indicated a significant increase in urine volume for caffeine at rest, but there was no significant difference in fluid balance for caffeine during exercise [ 87 ]. These results are noteworthy, because according to a review published by Armstrong [ 88 ], several research studies published between and reported outcome measures, such as loss of water and electrolytes, based on urine samples taken at rest and within hours of supplementation [ 88 ].

Kovacs and colleagues [ 56 ] published similar results in a study that examined time trial performance and caffeine consumption in various dosages added to a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution CES.

In total, subjects consumed each carbohydrate-electrolyte drink with the addition of mg, mg, and mg of caffeine. In regard to performance, subjects achieved significantly faster times following ingestion of both the CES mg and CES mg dosages, as compared to placebo and CES without addition of caffeine [ 56 ].

Finally, Kovacs et al. It should also be mentioned the authors reported wide-ranging post-exercise urinary caffeine concentrations within subjects, which could possibly be explained by inter-individual variation in caffeine liver metabolism [ 56 ].

Grandjean et al. An interesting study published by Fiala and colleagues [ 90 ] investigated rehydration with the use of caffeinated and caffeine-free Coca-Cola ®.

In a double-blind crossover manner, and in a field setting with moderate heat conditions, subjects participated in three, twice daily, 2-hr practices. Athletes consumed water during exercise, and on separate occasions, either of the Coca-Cola © treatments post-exercise. As a result, no statistical differences were found for measures such as heart rate, rectal temperatures, change in plasma volume, or sweat rate [ 90 ].

It should be noted, however, the authors also reported a negative change in urine color for the mornings of Day 1 and 3, which was a possible indication of an altered hydration status; although, it was not evident at any other time point during the experiment.

Therefore, Fiala et al. Roti et al. The study included 59 young, active males. The EHT consisted of walking on a treadmill at 1. Millard-Stafford and colleagues [ 92 ] published results from a study that examined the effects of exercise in warm and humid conditions when consuming a caffeinated sports drink.

In conclusion, no significant differences in blood volume were present for any of the three treatments; therefore, caffeine did not adversely affect hydration and thus performance of long duration in highly trained endurance athletes [ 92 ].

In addition, heat dissipation was not negatively affected [ 93 ]. Therefore, while there may be an argument for caffeine-induced dieresis at rest, the literature does not indicate any significant negative effect of caffeine on sweat loss and thus fluid balance during exercise that would adversely affect performance.

Consequently, the International Olympic Committee mandates an allowable limit of 12 μg of caffeine per ml of urine [ 6 , 15 ].

Caffeine consumption and urinary concentration is dependent on factors such as gender and body weight [ 94 ]. Therefore, consuming cups of brewed coffee that contain approximately mg per cup would result in the maximum allowable urinary concentration [ 15 , 94 ].

In addition, the World Anti-Doping Agency does not deem caffeine to be a banned substance [ 96 ], but has instead included it as part of the monitoring program [ 97 ] which serves to establish patterns of misuse in athletic competition. The scientific literature associated with caffeine supplementation is extensive.

It is evident that caffeine is indeed ergogenic to sport performance but is specific to condition of the athlete as well as intensity, duration, and mode of exercise. Therefore, after reviewing the available literature, the following conclusions can be drawn:. The majority of research has utilized a protocol where caffeine is ingested 60 min prior to performance to ensure optimal absorption; however, it has also been shown that caffeine can enhance performance when consumed min prior to exercise.

During periods of sleep deprivation, caffeine can act to enhance alertness and vigilance, which has been shown to be an effective aid for special operations military personnel, as well as athletes during times of exhaustive exercise that requires sustained focus.

Caffeine is an effective ergogenic aid for sustained maximal endurance activity, and has also been shown to be very effective for enhancing time trial performance. Recently, it has been demonstrated that caffeine can enhance, not inhibit, glycogen resynthesis during the recovery phase of exercise.

Caffeine is beneficial for high-intensity exercise of prolonged duration including team sports such as soccer, field hockey, rowing, etc. The literature is inconsistent when applied to strength and power activities or sports.

It is not clear whether the discrepancies in results are due to differences in training protocols, training or fitness level of the subjects, etc. Nonetheless, more studies are needed to establish the effects of caffeine vis a vis strength-power sports. Research pertaining exclusively to women is limited; however, recent studies have shown a benefit for conditioned strength-power female athletes and a moderate increase in performance for recreationally active women.

The scientific literature does not support caffeine-induced dieresis during exercise. In fact, several studies have failed to show any change in sweat rate, total water loss, or negative change in fluid balance that would adversely affect performance, even under conditions of heat stress.

Harland B: Caffeine and nutrition. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar. Fredholm BB: Adenosine, adenosine receptors and the actions of caffeine. Pharmacol Toxicol. McArdle WD, Katch FI, Katch VL: Exercise physiology. Google Scholar. Carrillo JA, Benitez J: Clinically significant pharmacokinetic interaction between dietary caffeine and medications.

Clin Pharmacokinet. Fredholm BB, Battig K, Holmen J, Nehlig A, Zvartau EE: Actions of caffeine in the brain with special reference to factors that contribute to its widespread use. Pharmacol Rev. CAS PubMed Google Scholar. Graham TE: Caffeine and exercise. Metabolism, endurance and performance Sports Med.

Tang-Liu DD, Williams RL, Riegelman S: Disposition of caffeine and its metabolites in man. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. Graham TE, Spriet LL: Metabolic, catecholamine, and exercise performance responses to various doses of caffeine.

J Appl Physiol. Powers SK, Howley ET: Exercise physiology: Theory and application to fitness and performance. Robertson D, Frolich JC, Carr RK, Watson HT, Hollifield JW, Shand D, Oates HA: Effects of caffeine on plasma renin activity, catecholmines and blood pressure.

N Engl J Med. McCall AL, Millington WR, Wurtman RJ: Blood-brain barrier transport of caffeine: Dose-related restriction of adenine transport. Life Sci. Magkos F, Kavouras SA: Caffeine use in sports, pharmacokinetics in man, and cellular mechanisms of action. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.

Unlock Your Athletic Potential Effects of a carbohydrate and caffeine gel on intermittent sprint performance in recreationally trained males. Additionally, the gels reported to be used by our participants contain less caffeine than those investigated in laboratory research. We solicited feedback regarding the content validity and usability of the survey from experts in the field and from local endurance athletes during a pilot period. Compared with a placebo, consuming caffeine increased mean power output and mean bar velocity when performing 5 sets of a bench press throw Fifteen participants
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While it may cause a mild diuretic effect, caffeinated drinks do count toward your daily fluid intake. However, be sure to include adequate water to stay hydrated and avoid the negative side effects of caffeine.

Pre-workout powders can contain a variety of ingredients, such as caffeine, nitrates, artificial sweeteners such as acesulfame K, sucralose, and aspartame , artificial flavors, sugar alcohols such as xylitol and erythritol , BCAAs, excessive amounts of vitamin B12, and other compounds.

These ingredients could cause GI upset, which can definitely hinder your training. With all that considered, we typically do not recommend pre-workout powders, pills, or energy drink and instead recommend a carb-rich snack before training along with a cup of coffee or shot of espresso if you find that it gives you an extra boost without side effects.

You can also play around with the products since they contain different amounts of caffeine and even electrolytes. Remember, energy itself comes from food and energy levels are maximized by having a well-balanced diet that includes adequate fluids.

If you need some ideas on what solid pre-workout snacks look like, check out our comprehensive performance snacking guide! While there are many compelling benefits of caffeine for athletes including enhanced endurance, speed, strength, agility, accuracy, and mood, there are also some risks.

In some individuals — especially in large doses — caffeine can cause shakiness, gastrointestinal distress, headaches, nervousness, and disrupted sleep.

It can also result in disqualification if consumed in excess of the NCAA caffeine limit on competition day. With all of this in mind, it is important to develop an understanding of your individual tolerance to caffeine and figure out what amount if any is beneficial for you!

If you do opt to consume caffeine, consider it a supplement like you would a protein powder or multivitamin. If you find that you need a constant flow of caffeine to stay alert and energized throughout the day, it may signify a bigger issue with overall nutrition and sleep habits.

For individualized help with your nutrition program, reach out to one of our sports dietitians to optimize your performance and energy levels! Thanks for your comment — athletes by no means need caffeine, and as we mentioned in many people one in 4 it can have detrimental effects even in small amounts.

We also do not recommend caffeine supplements vs. getting it from coffee or beverages regulated as nutrition products vs. as supplements as you may other substances not listed on the label with supplements.

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Duplication of any content on this site is strictly prohibited without written authorized permission from the owner. This includes but is not limited to downloads, articles, and recipes.

For more information: www. Privacy policy Disclosures. About Blog Resources Services Contact Menu. Instagram Facebook-square Pinterest. Search Search. THE BLOG. We suggest supplements containing low doses of caffeine e. Indeed, during endurance exercise, adenosine blockade has been shown to reduce the perception of effort [ 4 ].

Despite vast amounts of research being undertaken over previous decades, little is currently known about the most efficacious time to ingest low doses of caffeine, particularly when consumed in a drink with other ingredients.

It is, however, vital to recognize that the duration of the exercise bouts varies between studies, markedly changing the period of time between supplementation and the end of exercise. This is significant as caffeine, due to its effects on the central nervous system, is likely to be most ergogenic when perceived effort is increased, which will presumably be at its highest towards the end of exercise, and it appears to have a narrow window of action [ 6 ].

This is in line with another discrepancy in the caffeine literature around the mounting evidence of individual responses based on genotype [ 8 ]. Those with a homogenous A allele of the CYP1A2 gene tend to produce more cytochrome P, metabolize caffeine more quickly [ 10 ] and experience a significantly greater ergogenic effect of caffeine compared to those with a C allele in some [ 11 , 12 ] but not all [ 13 , 14 ] studies.

Indeed, in rats, paraxanthine, but not caffeine, also significantly increases extracellular dopamine levels in the dorsolateral striatum, increasing locomotor activation [ 16 ]. It was hypothesised that the ingestion of caffeine 70 vs. Both female participants were taking a combined oral contraceptive pill for the duration of the study to negate for any potential effects of menstrual cycle stage on caffeine metabolism.

Following an explanation of the experimental protocol and its risks, all individuals provided written, informed consent. On their first visit, participants performed an incremental cycling test to determine maximal oxygen consumption V̇O 2max.

The second visit was a familiarization of the experimental trials, and visits 3—6 were experimental trials. During the initial min rest period, participants completed visual analogue scales and consumed a test drink.

The other visit PLA consisted of consuming the placebo drink at all three time points. The placebo was taste-, colour- and calorie-matched and also contained 4. Overview of the experimental protocol.

Treatments were randomly assigned in a crossover design. Two weeks prior to the first experimental visit, participants completed a continuous incremental V̇O 2max test on an electronically braked cycle ergometer Lode Excalibur Sport, Lode, The Netherlands.

Throughout the duration of the test, participants wore a face mask attached to a metabolic cart Jaeger Oxycon Pro, CareFusion, Switzerland. V̇O 2max was determined as the highest s average.

Following a min rest period, participants were familiarized with the min TT protocol. One week prior to their first experimental visit, participants were familiarized with the experimental protocol Fig. Participants could drink water ad libitum throughout the SS cycle.

Bike position was noted at the end of the familiarization trial and then replicated for all experimental visits. Participants reported to the laboratory following an overnight fast at the same time for each trial, before providing a pre-trial mid-stream urine sample for analysis of urine osmolality Pocket Osmocheck, Vitech Scientific, UK , and body mass was measured SECA , Germany Pre-Ex.

A cannula was then inserted into an antecubital vein which was kept patent by a 0. A sample of blood was drawn, immediately followed by the consumption of the first experimental drink. Further measures of heart rate, RPE, alertness and paraesthesia were recorded at min intervals throughout the SS cycle.

Blood samples were taken immediately prior to the second experimental drink and at subsequent min intervals during the SS cycle. A final blood sample was taken at the end of the TT.

For two 5-min periods SS1 and SS2 , expired gases were recorded using a metabolic cart to determine substrate oxidation rates. The aim of the TT was to perform as much work as possible. Heart rate and RPE were recorded at 5-min intervals during the TT.

Measures of alertness and paraesthesia and a final blood sample were taken at the end of the TT. After the TT, body mass was recorded, before another urine sample was provided. There were no differences in laboratory temperature Meals and training sessions were selected individually by the participants, dependent on their preferred pre-race routine, but were approved by the researchers.

Participants were instructed to follow the same diet and exercise practices before each trial, and these were confirmed with the use of training and nutrition diaries.

Participants were asked to disclose the use of any performance-enhancing supplements or drugs. Only participants who were not using any ergogenic supplements were included in the study.

One mL of whole blood was immediately analysed for glucose and lactate YSI Stat Plus, USA. Plasma caffeine, paraxanthine, theobromine and theophylline concentrations were quantified via high-performance liquid chromatography [ 18 ].

The ratio of paraxanthine to caffeine PX:CA at the end of the PRE trial, i. when the concentration of both metabolites was at a steady state, was calculated as an index of CYP1A2 activity. Saliva samples were collected on a separate lab visit at the end of all physiological tests using the Oragene ONkit DNA Genotek, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada for DNA isolation using manufacturers recommended techniques.

A StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR System Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA was used for the genotyping of the rs SNP in the CYP1A2 gene. Substrate oxidation rates were calculated using stoichiometric eqs [ 19 ]. TT performance was analysed using a repeated-measures one-way ANOVA. Data passed the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality.

All other data blood and plasma metabolites, substrate oxidation, alertness, paraesthesia, heart rate, RPE, urine osmolality and body mass were analysed by repeated-measures two-way ANOVAs.

The two-way ANOVAs performed on blood lactate and glucose, and plasma metabolites were run separately for SS and TT periods. Statistical analyses were performed using GraphPad Prism 7 GraphPad Software, Inc.

Of the 13 participants, 7 were homozygous for the A allele AA , none were homozygous for the C allele CC and 6 were heterozygous AC. Participants arrived at the laboratory with a similar body mass Following the trial, body mass remained unchanged Two out of 13 participants identified the PLA trial.

Of the non-correctly identified trials, 20 were unidentifiable, and 18 were incorrectly guessed. There was no significant difference between PLA and ONS 3. The average power output for each of the trials were PLA 3. There were no differences in performance improvement versus PLA between genotypes in PRE Fig.

a Mean work done per kilogramme of body mass during a min cycling time trial in the PLA, DUR, ONS and PRE trials. Mean work done per kilogramme of body mass during a min cycling time trial in the PLA, DUR, ONS and PRE trials for c AA and d AC genotypes.

There was no change in relative VO 2max from SS1 to SS2. There was no difference between conditions in calculated carbohydrate or lipid oxidation Fig.

There was, however, an effect of time, as rates of carbohydrate oxidation dropped from Expired gases were measured for two periods of 5 min SS1 and SS2. There were no differences in plasma caffeine concentrations between conditions at baseline Fig.

There was no difference between genotypes in PX:CA at the end of TT in PRE, i. when the concentration of both metabolites was at a steady state AA 0. There was no correlation between PX:CA and performance improvement in PRE vs.

Plasma caffeine a , paraxanthine b , theobromine c , theophylline d , glucose e and lactate f during the PLA, DUR, ONS and PRE trials. Main effect for condition: a PRE significantly different to ONS, PRE and PLA; b ONS significantly different to DUR and PLA; c DUR significantly different to PLA and d DUR significantly different to DUR and PLA.

During the TT, there was no significant main effect for time or condition. There was no significant difference between PRE and ONS Main effect for condition: a significant difference between PRE and ONS, b significant difference between PRE and DUR, c significant difference between PRE and PLA, d significant difference between ONS and DUR, e significant difference between ONS and PLA and f significant difference between DUR and PLA.

There were no differences between conditions for either alertness or paraesthesia throughout the trial Fig. Alertness a and paraesthesia b during the PLA, DUR, ONS and PRE trials.

Despite an apparent time response, the ingestion of the supplement at the onset ONS of, and during DUR , the exercise protocol had no effect on performance.

The lack of effect here was surprising given that the ingestion of the supplement in ONS also reduced perceived exertion during the SS exercise compared with placebo. Intriguingly, whilst plasma caffeine concentration was elevated prior to and during the TT with all supplement timing strategies, paraxanthine was only elevated prior to the TT when the supplement was ingested in the PRE condition, the only strategy to observe an ergogenic effect.

It is important to note that the supplement also contained quercetin and β-alanine, and it is possible that they may have also contributed to the ergogenic effect by a synergistic or additive mechanism. Thus, the acute effect on performance in the current study was likely driven by caffeine as opposed to the other ingredients.

The literature suggests there is no single optimal dose of caffeine to improve performance. Indeed, supplementing with 1. However, neither a 1. It would appear, therefore, that despite plasma caffeine concentrations remaining elevated for several hours after ingestion, there is an optimal time for ingesting low doses 1.

Thus, in line with the findings that the ingestion of 2. It has been proposed that inter-individual differences in genotype may alter the efficacy of caffeine supplementation [ 25 ].

Conversely, in the present study, whilst no participants had the CC genotype, there was no difference in CYP1A2 enzyme activity between those with the AA and AC genotypes, as shown by similar PX:CA ratios in PRE, and consequently, both groups found caffeine to be equally efficacious at improving exercise performance.

Differences between findings could be due to the contrasting cycling abilities of participants recruited across studies, with previous research employing relatively untrained individuals V̇O 2max Whilst the results of the present study should be viewed with caution due to the relatively small sample size, our findings are in line with previous studies that have found that, in large samples sizes, there is no effect for any CYP1A2 single-nucleotide polymorphism or haplotype on caffeine metabolism, other than in smokers with the AA genotype [ 29 , 30 ].

Alternatively, the additional ingredients of the supplement β-alanine and quercetin may have affected caffeine metabolism. Again, this could be due to the training status of the participants or perhaps the additional ingredients in the supplement affecting caffeine absorption.

Nevertheless, this ensured that a peak in plasma caffeine concentration was achieved in PRE before the min TT where performance was improved. However, in ONS, plasma caffeine concentrations were also elevated pre-TT, where no effect on performance was observed.

This would suggest that either the duration for which plasma caffeine was elevated was insufficient to cross the blood brain barrier and act on adenosine receptors to affect performance, or that an increase in the primary metabolite of caffeine, paraxanthine, must also be attained.

Indeed, at the start of the TT plasma paraxanthine concentrations were elevated in PRE but not ONS. Paraxanthine is a pharmacologically more potent adenosine-receptor antagonist than caffeine [ 15 ] and is thought to have additional effects on locomotor activity by increasing dopamine levels in the dorsolateral striatum [ 16 ].

As paraxanthine has a half-life of 3. Clearly, our understanding of the mechanisms of action of caffeine and paraxanthine on exercise performance requires further investigation. A recent meta-analysis has suggested that the ergogenicity of caffeine is related only to the duration of the sport; however, we believe the findings of our current study should complement, rather than juxtapose such conclusions [ 33 ].

The present study investigated the effect of timing of caffeine supplementation on a min TT and found an effect of timing on its efficacy, and we recommend that if people are performing for longer durations, they may need to alter these recommendations and ingest caffeine during exercise.

We suggest that future studies looking at the ergogenicity of caffeine should quantify not only plasma caffeine, but plasma paraxanthine, as standard practice. Although we cannot conclusively state that the additional ingredient within the drink β-alanine and quercetin had no effect on performance, previous research and meta-analyses suggest that this is the case [ 20 , 21 ].

A wide range of caffeinated supplements e. gums, drinks, capsules are now available to athletes. POINTS OF SALE SCIENCE ADVICE NEWS OUR STORY. Home Science Caffeine improves athletic performance, but only when used strategically.

Caffeine effects Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which increases focus and alertness during exercise. Practical application You will need a dose of 2 to 6 mg of caffeine per kg of body weight to experience the above-mentioned effects on athletic performance. Coffee, chewing gum, gel or capsule?

Guarana Guarana is a herb that grows in the Amazon basin that contains caffeine and is regularly incorporated in energy or diet supplements. Table 1: Caffeine-rich products with their dose per portion, timing of absorption, advantages, and disadvantages Summary Caffeine can improve both endurance performance and short repetitive all-out exertions.

References 1. Graham TE, Spriet LL. Caffeine and Exercise Performance. Sports Science Exchange, vol 9 1 , pdf 2. Maughan RJ, Burke LM, Dvorak J, et al. IOC Consensus Statement: dietary supplements and the high-performance athlete.

British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol 52 7 , p, pdf 3. Spriet LL. Exercise and Sport Performance with Low Doses of Caffeine. Sports Medicine, vol 44 2 , p, Hodgson AB, Randell RK, Jeukendrup AE. The Metabolic and Performance Effects of Caffeine Compared to Coffee during Endurance Exercise.

PLoS One, vol 8 4 , de Souza Gonçalves L, de Salles Painelli V, Yamaguchi G, et al. Dispelling the myth that habitual caffeine consumption influences the performance response to acute caffeine supplementation.

Journal of Applied Physiology, vol 1 , p, Pickering C, Kiely J. Are the Current Guidelines on Caffeine Use in Sport Optimal for Everyone? Inter-individual Variation in Caffeine Ergogenicity, and a Move Towards Personalised Sports Nutrition.

Sports Medicine, vol 48 1 , p, de Souza Gonçalves L, de Salles Painelli V, Yamaguchi G, Farias de Oliveira L, Saunders B, Pires da Silva R, Maciel E, Artioli GG, Roschel H, Gualano B. Kundrat O. Can Herbal Supplements Improve Performance?

Sports Science Exchange, vol 18 1 , Contact us How can we help you? Subscribe to our newsletter Stay informed about new products, scientific blogs, events and more!

Caffeine and performance supplements Caffeine is the supplementz widely-used stimulant in the world. Supplemennts moderate doses, caffeine can boost Stress management for entrepreneurs and mental performance. Creatine side effects, too much caffeine can have negative consequences, so be careful how much you consume. Up to mg per day of caffeine is considered safe for healthy adults, excluding women who are pregnant or lactating. Common side effects include headaches, dizziness, nervousness, restlessness, and trouble sleeping. Higher doses can lead to more serious side effects.

Author: Mikall

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